Vieo™‎ RV 51/52 Installation Instructions

Finding and Saving Locations The maps loaded in your device contain locations, such as restaurants, hotels, auto services, and detailed street information. The menu helps you find your destination by providing several methods to browse, search, and save this information. • Enter search terms to quickly search all location information ( Finding a Location Using the Search Bar , page 7). • Browse or search pre-loaded points of interest by category ( Points of Interest , page 6). • Use search tools to find specific locations, such as addresses, intersections, or geographic coordinates ( Search Tools , page 8). • Search near a different city or area ( Changing the Search Area , page 8). • Save your favorite locations to find them quickly in the future ( Saving Locations , page 8). • Return to recently found locations ( Viewing Recently Found Locations , page 8). Points of Interest A point of interest is a place that you may find useful or interesting. Points of interest are organized by category and can include popular travel destinations such as gas stations, restaurants, hotels, and entertainment venues. TripAdvisor ® Your device includes TripAdvisor points of interest and ratings. TripAdvisor ratings appear automatically in the search results list for applicable points of interest. You can also search for nearby TripAdvisor points of interest and sort by distance or popularity. Finding TripAdvisor Points of Interest 1 Select > TripAdvisor . 2 Select a category. A list of nearbyTripAdvisor points of interest for the category appears. 3 Select Sort Results to sort the search results by distance or popularity (optional). Finding HISTORY ® Points of Interest NOTE: This feature is not available on all product models or for all map regions. Your device includes HISTORY points of interest, which allow you to find and learn about historically significant locations and attractions, such as historic buildings, monuments, museums, and notable locations of historic events. 1 Select > HISTORY® . 2 Select a category. 3 Select a location. 4 Select to view a photo and a short summary of the location's history. Foursquare ® Foursquare is a location-based social network. Your device includes millions of pre-loaded Foursquare points of interest, which are indicated by the Foursquare logo in your location search results. You can connect to your Foursquare account using the Garmin Drive app on your compatible smartphone. This allows you to view Foursquare location details, check in to a location, and search for points of interest in the online Foursquare database. Connecting to Your Foursquare Account Before you can use this feature, your device must be connected to a supported phone running the Garmin Drive app. 1 On your smartphone, open the Garmin Drive app.

Avoiding Road Features 1 Select > > > Navigation > Route Preferences > Avoidances . 2 Select the road features to avoid on your routes, and select OK . Avoiding Environmental Zones Your device can avoid areas with environmental or emissions restrictions that may apply to your vehicle. This option applies to the vehicle type in the active vehicle profile ( Vehicle Profiles , page 2). 1 Select > > > Navigation > Route Preferences > Environmental Zones . 2 Select an option: • To be asked each time before routing through an environmental zone, select Always Ask . • To always avoid environmental zones, select Avoid . • To always allow environmental zones, select Allow . 3 Select Save . Custom Avoidances Custom avoidances allow you select specific areas or sections of road to avoid. When the device calculates a route, it avoids these areas and roads unless no other reasonable route is available. Avoiding a Road 1 Select > > > Navigation > Route Preferences > Custom Avoidances . 2 If necessary, select Add Avoidance . 3 Select Add Avoid Road . 4 Select the starting point of the section of road to avoid, and select Next . 5 Select the ending point of the road section, and select Next . 6 Select Done . Avoiding an Area 1 Select > > > Navigation > Route Preferences > Custom Avoidances . 2 If necessary, select Add Avoidance . 3 Select Add Avoid Area . 4 Select the upper-left corner of the area to avoid, and select Next . 5 Select the lower-right corner of the area to avoid, and select Next . The selected area is shaded on the map. 6 Select Done . Disabling a Custom Avoidance You can disable a custom avoidance without deleting it. 1 Select > > > Navigation > Route Preferences > Custom Avoidances . 2 Select an avoidance. 3 Select > Disable . Deleting Custom Avoidances 1 Select > > > Navigation > Route Preferences > Custom Avoidances . 2 Select an option: • To delete all custom avoidances, select . • To delete one custom avoidance, select the avoidance, and select > Delete .


Finding and Saving Locations

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