Vieo™‎ RV 51/52 Installation Instructions

2 If necessary, select , and change the coordinate format or datum. 3 Enter the latitude and longitude coordinates. 4 Select View on Map . Viewing Recently Found Locations Your device stores a history of the last 50 locations you have found. Select > Recent . Clearing the List of Recently Found Locations Select > Recent > > Clear > Yes . Viewing Current Location Information You can use the Where Am I? page to view information about your current location. This feature is helpful if you need to tell emergency personnel your location. From the map, select the vehicle. Finding Emergency Services and Fuel You can use the Where Am I? page to find the nearest hospitals, police stations, and fuel stations. 1 From the map, select the vehicle. 2 Select Hospitals , Police Stations , Fuel , or Roadside Assist. . NOTE: Some service categories are not available in all areas. A list of locations for the selected service appears, with the nearest locations at the top. 3 Select a location. 4 Select an option: • To navigate to the location, select Go! . • To view the phone number and other location details, select . Getting Directions to Your Current Location If you need to tell another person how to get to your current location, your device can give you a list of directions. 1 From the map, select the vehicle. 2 Select > Directions to Me . 3 Select a starting location. 4 Select Select . Adding a Shortcut You can add shortcuts to the Where To? menu. A shortcut can point to a location, a category, or a search tool. The Where To? menu can contain up to 36 shortcut icons. 1 Select > Add Shortcut . 2 Select an item. Removing a Shortcut 1 Select > > Remove Shortcut(s) . 2 Select a shortcut to remove. 3 Select the shortcut again to confirm. 4 Select Done . Saving Locations Saving a Location 1 Search for a location ( Finding a Location by Category , page 7). 2 From the search results, select a location. 3 Select > Save .

Select a location to view the option menu. Select to view detailed information about the location. Select to view alternate routes to the location. Go! Select to start navigating to the location using the recommended route. Changing the Search Area By default, the device searches for locations near your current location. You can also search other areas, such as near your destination, near another city, or along your active route. 1 Select . 2 Select next to the current search area .

3 Select a search area. 4 If necessary, follow the on-screen instructions to select a specific location. The selected search area appears next to . When you search for a location using any of the options in the menu, the device

suggests locations near this area first. Custom Points of Interest

Custom POIs are customized points on the map. They can contain alerts that let you know if you are near a designated point or if you are traveling faster than a specified speed. Installing POI Loader You can create or download custom POI lists on your computer and install them on your device using POI Loader software.

1 Go to 2 Follow the on-screen instructions. Finding Custom POIs

Before you can find custom POIs, you must load custom POIs on your device using the POI Loader software ( Installing POI Loader , page 8). 1 Select > Categories . 2 Scroll to the Other Categories section, and select a category. Search Tools Search tools allow you to search for specific types of locations by responding to on-screen prompts. Finding an Intersection You can search for an intersection or junction between two streets, highways, or other roads. 1 Select > Intersections . 2 Follow the on-screen instructions to enter street information. 3 Select the intersection. Finding a Location Using Coordinates You can find a location using latitude and longitude coordinates. 1 Select > Coordinates .


Finding and Saving Locations

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