Vieo™‎ RV 51/52 Installation Instructions

Map Tools Map tools provide quick access to information and device functions while you view the map. When you activate a map tool, it appears in a panel at the edge of the map. Stop : Stops navigation of the active route. Edit Route : Allows you to take a detour or skip locations in your route. Mute : Mutes navigation prompts. Cities Ahead : Displays a list of upcoming cities along the route. Up Ahead : Displays upcoming locations along the route or the road on which you are traveling ( Up Ahead , page 9). Elevation : Displays elevation changes ahead. photoLive : Displays photoLive cameras along your route, where available. Traffic : Displays traffic conditions along your route or in your area ( Viewing Upcoming Traffic , page 10). Trip Data : Displays customizable trip data, such as speed or mileage ( Viewing Trip Data from the Map , page 10). Turns : Displays the turns in the route. Fusion Media : Displays current song or media information and controls. Phone : Displays phone information for hands-free calling. Weather : Displays weather information along your route. Viewing a Map Tool 1 From the map, select . 2 Select a map tool. The map tool appears in a panel at the edge of the map. 3 When you are done using the map tool, select . Up Ahead The Up Ahead tool provides information about upcoming locations along your route or the road on which you are traveling. You can view upcoming points of interest by category, such as restaurants, fuel stations, or rest areas. You can customize three categories to show in the Up Ahead tool. Viewing Upcoming Locations 1 From the map, select > Up Ahead . While you are traveling, the map tool shows the next location along your road or route in each of the three categories. While you are not traveling, the map tool shows the three category names. 2 Select an option: • If the map tool shows categories, select a category to view a list of nearby locations in that category. • If the map tool shows upcoming locations, select a location to view location details or start a route to the location. Customizing the Up Ahead Categories You can change the location categories that appear in the Up Ahead tool. 1 From the map, select > Up Ahead . 2 Select a category. 3 Select . 4 Select an option: • To move a category up or down in the list, select and drag the arrow next to the category name. • To change a category, select the category.

4 Enter a name, and select Done . Saving Your Current Location 1 From the map, select the vehicle icon. 2 Select Save . 3 Enter a name, and select Done . 4 Select OK . Editing a Saved Location 1 Select > Saved . 2 If necessary, select a category. 3 Select a location. 4 Select .

5 Select > Edit . 6 Select an option: • Select Name .

• Select Phone Number . • Select Categories to assign categories to the saved location. • Select Change Map Symbol to change the symbol used to mark the saved location on a map. 7 Edit the information. 8 Select Done . Assigning Categories to a Saved Location You can add custom categories to organize your saved locations. NOTE: Categories appear in the saved locations menu after you have saved at least 12 locations. 1 Select > Saved . 2 Select a location. 3 Select . 4 Select > Edit > Categories . 5 Enter one or more category names, separated by commas. 6 If necessary, select a suggested category. 7 Select Done . Deleting a Saved Location NOTE: Deleted locations cannot be recovered. 1 Select > Saved . 2 Select > Delete Saved Places . 3 Select the box next to the saved locations to delete, and select Delete . Using the Map You can use the map to navigate a route ( Your Route on the Map , page 4) or to view a map of your surroundings when no route is active. 1 Select View Map . 2 Touch anywhere on the map. 3 Select an option: • Drag the map to pan left, right, up, or down. • To zoom in or out, select or . • To switch between North Up and 3-D views, select . • To filter the displayed points of interest by category, select . • To start a route, select a location on the map, and select Go! ( Starting a Route by Using the Map , page 4).

Using the Map


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