Vieo™‎ RV 51/52 Installation Instructions

8 Enter a name, and select Done . Editing and Reordering Locations in a Trip 1 Select > Trip Planner > Saved Trips . 2 Select a saved trip. 3 Select a location. 4 Select an option: • To move the location up or down, select , and drag the location to a new position in the trip. • To add a new location after the selected location, select . • To remove the location, select . Optimizing the Order of Destinations in a Trip The device can automatically optimize the order of destinations in your trip to create a shorter, more efficient route. The starting location and final destination are not changed when you optimize the order. While editing a trip, select > Optimize Order . Discovering Attractions Along Your Trip The device can suggest interesting or popular attractions to add to your trip. 1 While editing a trip, select > Suggest Attractions . 2 Select an attraction to view more information. 3 Select Select to add the attraction to your trip. Changing Routing Options for a Trip You can customize how the device calculates the route when you start your trip. 1 Select > Trip Planner > Saved Trips . 2 Select a saved trip. 3 Select the vehicle profile icon, and select the vehicle you plan to use while navigating the trip (optional). 4 Select . 5 Select an option: • To add shaping points to your trip, select Shape Route , and follow the on-screen instructions ( Shaping Your Route , page 5). • To change the calculation mode for the trip, select Route Preference ( Changing the Route Calculation Mode , page 5). Navigating to a Saved Trip Before you can start navigating a saved trip, the active vehicle profile on the device must match the selected vehicle profile for the trip ( Changing Routing Options for a Trip , page 24). If it does not match, the device prompts you to change the vehicle profile before you can start the trip ( Switching the Vehicle Profile , page 3). 1 Select > Trip Planner > Saved Trips . 2 Select a saved trip. 3 Select Go! . 4 Select the first location to navigate to, and select Start . The device calculates a route from your current location to the selected location, and then it guides you to the remaining trip destinations in order. Editing and Saving Your Active Route If a route is active, you can use the trip planner to edit and save your route as a trip. 1 Select > Trip Planner > Saved Trips > My Active Route . 2 Edit your route using any of the trip planner features. The route recalculates each time you make a change.

3 Select Save to save your route as a trip, which you can navigate again later (optional). Viewing Previous Routes and Destinations Before you can use this feature, you must enable the travel history feature ( Device Settings , page 26). You can view your previous routes and places you have stopped on the map. Select > Where I've Been . Viewing the Weather Forecast Before you can use this feature, your device must be receiving weather data. You can connect your device to the Garmin Drive app to receive weather data ( Pairing with Your Smartphone , page 11). 1 Select > Weather . The device shows the current weather conditions and a forecast for the next several days. 2 Select a day. • To view weather for a favorite city, select a city in the list. • To add a favorite city, select Add City , and enter a city name. Onboard Systems Control and Monitoring Your Vieo device can monitor and control circuits using an EmpirBus ™ digital switching system or another compatible digital switching system. For example, you can control the interior lights in your RV. Opening the Digital Switching Controls For most installations, digital switching modules connect to the Vieo dock using a Controller Area Network (CAN) bus. The Vieo system also supports EmpirBus Connect 50 Wi ‑ Fi digital switching systems that connect to the Vieo dock without a CAN connection. NOTE: Your installation may include a widget to open the system controls from the home screen. The detailed forecast for that day appears. Viewing Weather Near a Different City 1 Select > Weather > Current Location . 2 Select an option: • If your device is connected to modules using a Controller Area Network (CAN) bus, select > > RV Controls . • If you are using an EmpirBus Connect 50 Wi ‑ Fi digital switching system, select > > EmpirBus . Settings Navigation Settings Select > > > Navigation . Vehicle Profile : Sets the vehicle profile for each vehicle with which you will use your device. Map & Vehicle : Sets the map detail level and the vehicle icon to display on your device. Route Preferences : Sets the route preferences when navigating. Driver Assistance : Sets driver assistance alerts. Traffic : Sets the traffic details the device uses. You can set your device to avoid traffic when calculating routes, and to find a


Onboard Systems Control and Monitoring

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