STAR-Tank User Manual


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1. Signal is showing 100% and LED is purple. If install on top of tank without penetration, ensure tank is NOT metal nor has a metal liner. Ensure it is not positioned above a baffle. Move the sensor and try again. Ensure sensor is at least 200mm in from vertical edge. 2. Sensor shows it is reading but Cerbo can’t detect. Ensure there is a Nano Bluetooth receiver in the USB receiver on the Cerbo. This must be the 2nd or 3rd slot away from the HDMI cable as the first one is reserved for power only to the Touch Screen. 3. Reading is showing full or empty when it is neither. Adjust the minimum and maximum level values in the Cerbo setup display. On the setup display you will read the tank depth “actual value’ in cm. The Min and max values must be either side of that value. 4. How do I calibrate accurately? If the tank is a regular shape, start with it empty and press button for the initialization described in this manual. Then fill the tank to 95% and check the full value limit. There is a 30mm deadband from the bottom of the sensor. When the liquid is within this zone, it will read 100% full. © Copyright Safiery Pty Ltd 2024



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