Safiery CANbus Alternator Controller

Logging sessions is very helpful for debugging your installations, the files are comma separated and easily import into Excel using the import wizard specifying commas (,) as the separator. Refer to Receiving data FROM the regulator: for details on the output. Once you have done your configuration press the Open button to start the terminal session. A hint for WIncows users: If you have a need to Paste anything into Putty, know it does not use the normal CTRL-V command. Instead, position the cursor in the black display windows and click the RIGHT button, that will cause the clipboard to be pasted and sent to the WS500.

Bench-top Configuration: When a USB cable is connected to the WS500 Alternator Regulator power is supplied to the logic portion of the hardware. This allows you to do bench-top configuration before completing the installation on the actual alternator. Make sure to do a $RBT: command as your last step. After the regulator reboots make sure to verify your changes before installing the regulator in a live installation.


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