Safiery CANbus Alternator Controller

$CPO:n - Change OVERCHARGE parameters in CPE user entry n (n = 7 or 8) This command (with its parameters) will cause the OVER-CHARGE (Sometimes referred to as FINISH phase) portion of a Charge Profile Entry to be updated. Parameters must be in the following order and include comma “,” separators where indicated. Extra spaces before and/or after the parameters are allowed.

$CPO:n <Limit Amps>, <Exit Duration>, <Exit VBat>, < Exit Amps >

n: (7  8) ‘ n’ is the Charge Profile Table Entry that will be modified. Use range 7 to 8.

Limit Amps: <WHOLE NUMBER (-5  50)> After entering OVER-CHARGE phase, delivered amps will be monitored and regulated to ‘LimitAmps’ . Setting ‘LimitAmps’ = 0 will disable OVER-CHARGE mode.

Exit Duration: <WHOLE NUMBER (0  600 (10 hours)) > After entering OVER-CHARGE phase, a timer will be started. After ‘ ExitDuration’ minutes have expired OVER-CHARGE mode will exit and the regulator will move to FLOAT mode. Setting ‘ ExitDuration’ = 0 will disable OVER-CHARGE mode. <FLOATING POINT NUMBER (0.0  20.0) > Once battery voltage reached ‘ExitVBat’ , OVERCHAGE phase will be exited. This value is a floating-point number and entered for a normalized 12v system (See: Defining Charging Voltages and Amps). Setting ‘ ExitVBat’ = 0 will disable OVER-CHARGE mode. Exit VBat: Exit Amps: <WHOLE NUMBER (0  50)> If defined, ‘ExitAmps’ will keep the regulator in OVER-CHARGE phase until the battery acceptance current has fallen to (or below) this value. During this time voltage will remain at ‘ExitVBat’ . ‘ExitAmps’ will NOT override the overall ‘ Ex itDuration’ transition criteria. Set = 0 to disable this option.

In all applications of OverCharge phase, Battery Voltage will be limited to the MAXIMUM of either ‘ Exit Vbat’ as defined in $CPO, or ’ VBat Setpoint’ as defined in the $CPA command above.

During operation, if Vbat falls notably below the batteries Bulk/Acceptance target as defined by CPA, the device will revert back to Bulk/Acceptance phase. If this occurs repeatedly, review your amperage transition values as it may be they are too low. Or it simply may be a one-off condition where a large load was placed in the system and the charging device is not able to support, requiring energy to be withdrawn from the battery. In another special application of OverCharge phase (available in firmware v2.4.x and above), the limit amps may be set to -1. In this case ‘Exit Vbat’ is often set to match that of the Float target voltage and the above mentioned revert to Bulk/Acceptance is not checked for. This usage of Overchage can be helpful to manage the transition from Acceptance phase to Float in cases where it is desired to keep an external tachometer active.


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