Safiery CANbus Alternator Controller

$RCP:n -Request to send back CPE entry #N (n=1..8 )

This command will instruct the WS500 Alternator Regulator to send out via the serial port the SAVED contents of the CPE entry N, where N is a number from 1 to 8. See “CPE: Charge Profile Entry” for description of resulting transmission.


$RCP:0 - Request to send back currently selected CPE Special version of Request for CPE, this will send back the currently selected (via the DIP switched) CPE.


Note, the CPE entry sent back in response to a $RCP: command will reflect the current values contained in FLASH memory which may not match what the regulator is currently working with. If a CPE has been modified and saved to FLASH, those modifications will be reflected. However, until the WS500 Alternator Regulator is rebooted it will not utilize those values. For current active targets being used, look at AST; and SCV; status strings.

N ote on Change Requests to Charge Profiles: The only Charge Profile 7 or 8 (the two customizable entries) may be modified via an ASCII command. This is to reduce the potential for major errors in the regulator.

Also, take great care in setting these values, esp the exiting time and amp thresholds. Some of these thresholds can be disabled by setting to 0, disabling that threshold test. If both Amps & time values are disabled, it is possible for the regulator to stay in a full charge state indefinitely, likely causing damage to the battery. As the WS500 Alternator Regulator may be deployed with the amp shunt at the Alternator, or at the battery, some of the CPE entries will behave differently depending on which deployment model is used. And some entries might have no meaning. Great Flexibility results in Great Responsibility…

All Change Profile commands will reply with “AOK;” if the command was processed successfully. However, to assure the changes are STORED and used the regulator must be reset using the $RBT: command after all changes have been made.


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