Safiery CANbus Alternator Controller

Amp Shunt Ratio: <WHOLE NUMBER 500  20000)> Enter the ratio of your Amp measurement shunt in terms of AMPS / mVolts. e.g., if you have a 250A / 75mV shunt, you would enter 3333 (250/0.075). And you may adjust the number to allow for fine tuning of the Amp Shunt. e.g., if your shunt has a 3% error, you could enter 3433

Caution: Shunt Voltage is limited to +/-80mV. Do NOT exceed this value!

Shunt reversed?:

<WHOLE NUMBER (0, or 1) > Allows software correction if the Amp Shunt was wired

backwards. Set = 1 and Amp readings will have their polarity changed.

Idle RPMs: < INTEGER (0  2500)> Used in conjunction with PBF to manage Field Drive at lower RPMs. As RPMs rise above Idle RPMs, field drive will be increased at a rate determined by PBF. During normal operation, Idle RPMs can be detected automatically by the WS500 Alternator Regulator. However, in more sensitive installations where the management of the alternator Field Drive at low RPMs is critical, additional system reliability can be achieved by defining the IDLE RPMs value to be used in all calculations. In extreme installations (very small engine with large efficient alternator), Idle RPMs may be defined artificially high; doing so will cause the regulator to increases its pull back of Field Drive during low RPM operations.

Set = 0 (DEFAULT) to enable ‘auto’ determination of Id le RPM.

Warmup Delay: <WHOLE NUMBER ( 15  600 ) > Hold-off period when regulator is 1st powered on before it will begin to apply a load to the engine. This is the number in seconds of delay the regulator will remain in PRE-RAMP mode before moving into RAMP mode. Default = 30 seconds. Beginning with v2.4.1 firmware, use of a negative number for Warmup Delay will cause the Fast Ramp feature to be disabled, resulting in a slow ramping up of alternator at all times. This is more consistent with how v2.2.0 firmware always operated.


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