Safiery CANbus Alternator Controller

‘ NMEA-2000 type’ messages

/***************************************************************************** // NMEA2000-DC Detailed Status - PGN127506

// Input: // - SID

Sequence ID. If your device is e.g. boat speed and heading at same time, you can set


same SID for different messages to indicate that they are measured at same time.

// - DCInstance

DC instance.

// - DCType

Defines type of DC source. See definition of tN2kDCType

// - StateOfCharge

% of charge (If provided by BMS)

- StateOfHealth

% of heath


// - TimeRemaining

Time remaining in minutes

// - RippleVoltage

DC output voltage ripple in V

Two copies of 127506 will be sent out:  One identifying a ‘Battery’ DCType and “BatteryID – 1” for the instance.  One identifying as ‘Alternator’ DCtype and using “Charger Instance” + 0x30 for the instance. If the DC-DC Converter is active, three additional messages will be sent out:  One identifying a ‘Battery’ DCType and “2nd (Low Side) battery Instance” as defined above for the instance.  Two identified as ‘Converter’ DCType and using “Charger Instance” + 0x 70 (HS) or 0x71(LS) for the instance.

/**************************************************************************** // NMEA2000-Charger Status - PGN127507 // Input: // - Instance ChargerInstance. // - BatteryInstance BatteryInstance. // - Operating State see. tN2kChargeState // - Charger Mode see. tN2kChargerMode // - Charger Enable/Disable boolean // - Equalization Pending boolean // - Equalization Time Remaining double seconds /**************************************************************************** // NMEA2000-Battery Status - PGN127508 // This PGN will not be sent if ENABLE_NMEA2000_RAT is set = YES. // Input: // - BatteryInstance BatteryInstance. // - BatteryVoltage Battery voltage in V // - BatteryCurrent Current in A // - BatteryTemperature

Battery temperature in °K. Use function CToKelvin, if you want to use °C.


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