Safiery CANbus Alternator Controller


Measured temperature of NTC sensor attached to B-port in degrees C or battery temperature received via external CAN sensor. -99 indicates temperature has not been measured, NTC sender has failed, not attached, and there is no remote temperature information available via the CAN connection. Measured temperature of NTC sensor attached to A-port in degrees C. -99 indicate temperature has not been measured, or NTC sender has failed. -100 indicates the Alternator temp NTC probe is shorted (to select ½ power mode)



Measured RPMs of engine (Derived from Alternator RPMs and the Engine/Alternator drive ratio)

(The following additions are available with Firmware version 1.0.0 and above) Measured Alternator Volts, in volts and fractions of volts (to 1mV resolution)



If equipped, this is the temperate of the FETs in degrees C. -99 indicated FET temperate cannot be measured.


If equipped, this is a measurement of the current (amperage) being delivered to the field. -99 indicated field current is not being measured.

FLD %:

% (0..100%) field is being driven.

Note: * If the WS500 Alternator Regulator is configured with no limits for Alternator Amps and/or System Watts a self- impose limits of 1,000A / 15,000W as max values. AST; will report these working values.


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