Safiery CANbus Alternator Controller

$MSR: - RESTORE all parameters to factory default.


$EDB: - Enable DeBug serial strings


$RBT: - ReBooT system


$FRM: - Force Regulator Mode


Defining Charging Voltages and Amps – All volts and amps used in the Charge Profile Entries are represented by a normalized 12v 500Ah battery and are automatically scaled depending on the sampled battery voltage at startup and the setting of the Battery Capacity DIP switches. Take care that the MAXIMUM length of a string is fixed at 70 characters, including the line termination character(s). When assembling a command to send make sure not to exceed this length, remove any extra spaces if present to assure total length is under 70 characters. **N ote on Requesting Status commands. All ‘Request’ commands will reply via the serial port. In addition, IF the request arrived via the J1939 CAN ‘Terminal’ DGN (17E00h), a copy of the reply will also be returned to the requesting CAN node. This is useful to gain access to the advanced ASCII setup parameters of the WS500 Alternator Regulator via the CAN.


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