Safiery CANbus Alternator Controller

$CPB:n - Change BATTERY parameters in CPE user entry n (n = 7 or 8) This command (with its parameters) will cause the remaining portion of a Charge Profile Entry to be updated. Parameters must be in the following order and include comma “,” separators where indicated. Extra spaces before and/or after the parameters are allowed.

$CPB:n <VBat Comp per 1 O C>, < Min Comp Temp >, <Min Charge Temp>, <Max Charge Temp>, < Rdc Volts>, < Rdc Low Temp>, < Rdc High Temp>, < Rdc Amps>, <MaxBatAmps>

n: (7  8) ‘ n’ is the Charge Profile Table Entry that will be modified. Use range 7 to 8.

VBat Comp: <FLOATING POINT NUMBER (0.0  0.1)> This is used to adjust all target VBat voltages based on the current Battery Temperature in 1 degree C increments. This value is a floating-point number and entered for a normalized 12v system at 25c. (See note: Defining Charging Voltages and Amps). Set = 0.0 to disable temperature based voltage compensation.

Min Com Temp: <WHOLE NUMBER (-40  40)> Additional compensation to battery target voltages will be stopped when the battery is at or below this temperature in degree C.

Min Charge Temp: <WHOLE NUMBER (-50  10) > If the battery drops below this temperature, charging will be disabled. Once temperature rises above Min Charge Temp , a new charge cycle will start.

Max Charge Temp: <WHOLE NUMBER (20  95) > If the battery reaches this temperature, the system will be disabled to protect it. If the battery temperature continues to rise, the system will eventually FAULT when battery temperature exceeds Max Charge Temp by 20%. Note that Min and Max Temp limits will override any outside direction the WS500 regulator received; even if a CAN connected BMS is asking for charging, if either of these hard stop limits are exceed the regulator will enter Disabled mode. <FLOATING POINT NUMBER (0.0  12.0) > If the Battery Voltage is at or below this value, the regulator will work in Reduced Charge mode, where the maximum amps delivered to the battery will be limited to Rdc Amps . Set Rdc Volts = 0.0 to disable checking of battery voltage for Reduced Charging mode. Rdc Volts:

Rdc Low Temp : <WHOLE NUMBER (-99  20) > If the battery temperature falls to or below this value in degrees C, the regulator will enter Reduced Charge mode. Set = -99 to disable this test

Rdc High Temp : <WHOLE NUMBER (-99  95) > > If the battery temperature rises to or above this value in degrees C, the regulator will enter Reduced Charge mode. Set = -99 to disable this test

Rdc Amps : < WHOLE NUMBER (0  100) > When the regulator is in Reduced Charge mode, battery acceptance current will be limited to this value. Rdc Amps is defined relative to the normalized 500Ah battery and is adjusted by the system battery capacity. As with Max/Min Charge Temp , the any of the RDC triggers (Temp, voltage) will also override any directions arriving from the BMS. Set = 0 to disable Reduced Charge mode.


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