Safiery CANbus Alternator Controller

$EDB: - Enable DeBug serial strings

Will cause regulator to start sending $DBG; strings via ASCII communication ports. If it is powered down, or reset (ala a Fault, or by receiving a command string that causes a reset), the regulator will restore to its default handling of $DBG: strings.


$RBT: - ReBooT system

Will cause regulator to reset. This is useful to load any changes from saved Flash memory into the regulator for its use.


$RBT: will not be recognized if system has been locked-out via the $SCO: command.

It is strongly suggested that you use the $RBT command after you have finished making changes to the Alternators configuration via other ASCII commands. This will restart the regulator, allowing those changes to be recognized – but more important some hardware needs the $RBT: command as a signal to actually save requested changes in non-volatile memory. If your device using what is known as EEPROM-Emulation, any changes you make will not be saved until you issue the $RBT: command.


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