Safiery CANbus Alternator Controller

FLT; -- FAULTED FLT: “FLT ;, FaultCode, RequriedSensorStatus ”

System has Faulted, fault code number.

RequiredSensorStatus is a combined number following the pattern as defined by the $SCA command and detailed in `Table 1 - Required Sensor Encoding ‘ on page number 45

Following this, the AST, SST and SCV will be printed, as well as the currently active CPE.

AOK; -- ACKNOWLEDGE Sent after a successfully received change command ($CPx, or $SCx), $MSW, or $EDB

NAK; -- NEGATIVE ACKNOWLEDGE Sent to indicate the rejection of a received change command ($CPx, or $SCx), $MSW, or $EDB. NAK is a new capability added in Firmware version 2.3.x and may be used in addition to AOK timeouts to indicate a miss formed command.

DBG; -- DEBUG Special string with extra internal parameters for use in debugging internal operations.

RST; -- RESET Regulator has been requested to reset. This can take up to 10 seconds to complete.


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